Sunday, 6 September 2020

#BBNaija: Moment Erica packed her luggage and ‘voluntarily’ left the HOH lounge


#BBNaija: Moment Erica packed her luggage and ‘voluntarily’ left the HOH lounge

Some comments below;

@jaja6388: She thinks she can be like tacha that came out but made it. What most people don’t know was that tacha already had a huge following before BBN.. she’ll just flop if she tries to copy tacha.

@kenexglobal: She is frustrated. She feels she has already loss Kid because he seems stubborn and doesn’t want to change from being a player to Faithful lover. And she feels her sleeping in the HOH room has made the connection she thinks she had with Kid becoming weak. She said it during her diary section that sleeping in the HOH room with Prince irritates her since it’s not Kid she doesn’t feel cool with Prince.

That’s indirectly hating your fellow HMS because of a guy that you guys are just friends. She is taking all these so extreme. Sometimes I feel Kid is to blame because he did distracted her and made her fall in love. All those time she asked some personal questions he should have avoided her by not saying much. And always remind her you guys are just friends and having fun that you can’t decide anything here.

But he was always kissing her and had sex with her. He made her did things that normal girlfriend does,all these made her think they are already dating, even to the viewers. It’s not good. Erica is a woman and she has feelings too. Now she know about your background and you think you can go like that after what you and her has shared. It not easy. Trikytee is her house boy. Let pack his things as well because she will need him to carry her bags to uche’s car tomorrow.

@val_sparkz: My own is how trikky tee just get mind overnight begin dey enter hoh room anyhow 🤷‍♂️


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