Marriage has decided to become less attracting each passing day. Not to say that some marriages are not beautiful and all that but the ugly ones seem to own the bakery. You read some of the happenings that married couples suffer and you just wonder how the couple even dared walk the aisle. I guess people do not take the time to know each other before cuffing their fingers with this lifetime ring. Perhaps we are just mesmerised by the whole idea of marriage not marriage to its core.
A Nigerian man would be making the court room his home for sometime because he wants nothing or whatsoever to do with his wife of four years who he has a child with.
According to the man, his wife is simply a kleptomaniac and ever since they tied the knot she has been rendering her broke by stealing from him.
The man whose name has been given as Livinus Uwa says he has reported the act to both their families and though she has been talked to promising she would never do that again, his wife seem not to stop taking what do not belong to her.
He added that, his wife has been disappearing and appearing ever since they got married and she even abandoned their child when she was just 10 months old.
“I married a thief,” Mr Uwa lamented before urging the court to dissolve his four-year-old marriage because of Chinenye’s kleptomania.
“On several occasions, my wife stole my money from my wardrobe, rendering me broke. The last time she burgled my room, she stole N350, 000. I reported the theft at the police station and she confessed to the theft, but the money was not recovered.
“I have reported all her attitudes and stealing habits to both our families, they called her but she refused to change,’’ he said.
“When she was pregnant, she left the house to an unknown place and came back after she was delivered of the baby.
“She abandoned our baby when she was 10 months old; I had to engage a baby-sitter to take care of her.
“When the baby was two years, I enrolled her in school and my wife reappeared,’’ he concluded.
President of the customary court, Mr. Adegboyega Omilola, in his judgement, dissolved the marriage.
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