Friday, 23 September 2016

Hehehehe...Reasons Why You Must Buy The New Iphone7 and Iphone7 Plus

* U can email ur ancestors, ping ur village deity

* If u hold am, U no go ever hungry again

* If u misplaced it in a cab, it will automatically
find its way back into ur pocket

* If ugly person send U request, e no go enter

* It can tell U which member of your family dey
disturb you

* U can connect d bluetooth to transformer to get light

* It can be used as bomb detectors

* It can be used as mosquito (insect) repellant

* It makes everyone look at you as rich boy or girl even when you are trekking

* It vibrates if someone is lying, 4real!

* It can tell d real father of a child

* It can detect if Ur boyfriend/ girlfriend is

* It prevents unwanted pregnancy, just put it in
"protection" mode.

* You can use it as AC

* You can use it as a weapon if you are attacked
by armed robbers

* It can show you the way to paradise with the
advanced GPS

*It can be used as an ATM

*it can be use to locate the garden of Eden

*it can be used to download food, car and a house

*it can be used to cast out demons

Lol...don't thank me. what are friends for?

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