Wednesday, 14 September 2016

5 Best Apps In Finding Your Android Phone

1.Where's My Droid
 The app has been around for a quite a long time and it looks simple, the app is said to have a lot of power. It has features like finding your phone, locking it up e.t.c. The special features include the ability to send a 'GPS Flare' when the battery is low so no matter what you will get the last location. You can also control who can find your phone by using text messages. There is a free version of the app that covers the basics with a pro version that unlocks features like remote wiping, keeping the app from being uninstalled, hiding the app icon, and the ability to use a landline when activating the app.

2.Prey Anti-Theft
Prey is an app that has been around which many people trust. Its main aim is to assist you find your device if it goes missing. It has features like finding your phone, locking your device, setting off an alarm. You will also be able to take photos to see where your may be and gather network information to see where your device has been. It seems to work for most people and that is what really matters.

Cerberus has been the name many people think of when it comes to anti-theft apps.
It has various set of features that include locking and resetting your phone, sounding alarms, displaying messages on screen for thieves to read, and it even has access to the front-facing camera so you can take shots of the thief. You can also hide Cerberus from your app drawer so people don't get to suspect that it is there.It's a nice app and everyone should think of getting it.

4.Family Locator
Family Locator does exactly what the app name says it does. It allows one to create a collective with family and friends and then one can keep track of where they are through their various smartphones. This is also very helpful in case one's family or friends loses a smartphone. You will also be able to use the app to find the missing device and help them get it back.This is a great app for parents.

5.Android Device Manager
This app is built into every Google Android device and can be turned on by simply flipping a setting. You can use Android Device Manager on your Android device or pc to find your device.

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